Have you noticed your pool’s water levels going down way too soon? While swimming pool water level does eventually dwindle due to evaporation or from water splashing out when people get out of the pool—it takes time for this to happen. A rapid decrease in water in your pool means that there is likely a leak. Even if you’ve had your pool made by the top swimming pool builders in Dubai, various factors can create leaks within pool walls.
Of course, the water level getting low is not a surefire sign or the only sign of a leak. If you want to be certain that there’s a leak in your pool, read on to learn the common signs of a pool leak.
Swimming Pool Leak Detection: A Helpful Guide
It’s necessary that you make sure there’s a pool leak because fixing it as soon as possible is crucial. Reduction in water levels is the least of your problems when it comes to water seeping out of the pool. There are damages that occur do you water leakage which can be difficult and costly to reverse.
Here are the top five ways you can spot if your swimming pool has a leak.
1. Unusual Debris In The Pool
You may be used to spotting leaves and twigs in your pool from time to time (if there is greenery nearby) or dust from the surroundings. However, if the debris seems unusual or too high, swimming pool leaks are a possibility. When there’s a leak in your pool, excess sand and dirt make their way in.
Not only does this mean you’ll have to run and clean the filter often, but also the risk of contamination. It’s likely there’s contamination in the debris that ends up inside the pool, either through a crack in the pool pump or filter or through cracked tiles.
Unless it has been usually dusty lately due to sandstorms or any other changes in the weather, excess debris in your pool is an indication that you need professional swimming pool maintenance.
2. Sudden Spikes In Water Bills
If you have been receiving an unusually high water bill, then pool leakage may be the culprit. Of course, this is the case if you have an automatic system for filling your pool water when it goes down to a certain level. Automatic fill devices are convenient, but they also conceal swimming pool leaks by simply restoring the diminishing water levels.
While you may not be able to spot a change in the water in your swimming pool, a change in the water bill is a helpful way to connect the dots—and ask for an inspection by pool maintenance services.
3. Wet Patches In The Yard
Have you seen wet spots around your yard, even though water is not splashing out? Cracks in the pipes that surround the pool mean that the surrounding soil becomes damp. Eventually, swimming pool leaks go far enough that the soil dampening becomes widespread, and you start seeing wet patches.
If you have a grassy yard, the dampness in the oil may be tricky to spot. However, waterlogged soil does affect the growth of greenery. So, if you see uneven growth of grass happening out of nowhere, check to identify if the soil beneath is damp.
Additionally, don’t forget that if the soil becomes too waterlogged, it affects landscaping. By causing the ground to sink, water in the soil may affect the structure of tiles and other landscaping features. Pay careful attention to your yard if you suspect a leak and it will help you make your pool maintenance quicker.
4. Algae Growing Along Pool Walls
Whether you own a traditional swimming pool or a container swimming pool, it is susceptible to contamination through certain sources, such as leakage. As contaminants enter the pool via a crack, algae may start growing around or inside the walls of the pool. While there are other reasons for algae appearing in the pool, however, this is one of the most likely.
Not only does algae hinder the aesthetic appeal of your pool, but also works against hygiene. Additionally, it is a potential health problem. If you see the slightest appearance of algae in the pool water, seek out the swimming pool leaks immediately. Not only will you be able to prevent a problem with the safety of people who use the pool but also find and address the leak before it turns into a serious issue.
5. Cracking & Breaking Tiles
The tiles in your pool do more than just contribute to the visual appeal. These keep the surrounding ground safe from waterlogging and other structural issues. Any cracks or breaks in the tiles mean that the chances of swimming pool leaks are higher. And tile cracks eventually occur due to water pressure or excessive force if something falls into the pool.
If there is even a single crack in a single tile in your swimming pool, get it checked out by pool experts. They can investigate the damage carefully and check whether or not the tile crack or breakage resulted in a leakage.
The best part about tile repairs is that you do not necessarily have to empty the pool. Underwater tile repair service allows pool technicians to do the job quickly and without additional effort or costs, it helps prevent the risk of swimming pool leakage.
Call The Experts For Pool Leakage Inspection & Repair
It is likely that you will spot more than one sign if there is a leakage in your pool. It’s easy enough to know that your pool’s plumbing system or the foundation itself needs attention if you check the problem areas. However, if you are unsure whether any of the above-given signs you are seeing are due to a leakage or another cause, the next best move is to call a swimming pool maintenance service.
Experienced technicians can identify pool leaks in just one visit without any invasive methods. They will identify the source of a leak, and provide the best possible solutions.
You should also go for routine pool maintenance regardless of whether you see any signs of leakage. Tile cracks, plumbing faults, and other swimming pool problems can go unnoticed for a significant amount of time till they become serious and require hassle.
At Swim Box, we make sure that does not happen. Our swimming pool and contain pool technicians are well-versed in all kinds of pool problems, including leaks. As leading pool builders, we understand the possible problems that can occur with wear and tear and therefore conduct quick inspections and repairs. Reach out to us today to schedule an inspection to identify swimming pool leaks.